The Story of the Moon and the Ash Tree




This book of the Moon and the Ash Tree is a story of integration. It elucidates the unfathomable experience of primordial unity or the origin – which feels like a gentle rain of blessings. But it is also a story or a narrative of how one came to have that experience.

This book, The Story of the Moon and the Ash Tree, employs a prose-and-poetry/haiku composition, the haibun. In 17th-century Japan, Matsuo Bashō originated haibun, prose poetry combining haiku with prose. It is best exemplified by his book Oku no Hosomichi, which used a literary genre of the prose-and-poetry composition of multidimensional writing.
Haibun is a prosimetric literary form originating in Japan, combining prose and haiku. The range of haibun is broad and frequently includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story, and travel journal.

This story of the impermanence of all things unfolded on the horizon where heaven and earth meet; it became a place where the vastness and rhythm of Nature invited the open sea, the landscape, the sky, the Moon and the Ash Tree to the poetry of beauty.

“Beauty is the revelation of harmony through forms, whether visible or audible, material or immaterial. However transient the forms may be, the harmony they express and embody belongs to the eternal realm of spirit, the innermost law of truth, which we call Dharma.” Lama Anagarika Govinda

This book explores and captures the spaces, creatures, and places beyond the ego. It attempts to capture the moments of insight that transcend our understanding and the final expressions of a long chain of thoughts. These moments are sacred and exist in a realm beyond our comprehension. They are transitory, translucent, wondrous, and extraordinary.



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