The air is cold

Louisa Punt-Fouché

Louisa Punt-Fouché

“The cold night will turn us all to fools and madmen”. King Lear

A watery sun is shining,

and the air is cold, so young, so untender.

The stars’ blank silver, silent light

reveals the rocks, the valley,

and the yellow road.

I did not know that dolphins commit suicide,

when tormented by parasites.

They leap onto land,

the once pristine, promising golden sand.

I look down into the deep darkness,

of the mysterious liquid night.

The dolphins squealing, squirming,

in a psychotic, foolish fight.

And then somebody pushes me,

into the shattered blue glass of the Beyond.

I fall into a pool of mysterious luminous light, unmoored,

in the sacred radiance of the underwater sun.

I feel the lunatic fear, the wildfires of Shakespeare’s

lost and bewildered King Lear.


                            “I am a stranger to my heart and me” [King Lear].

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