When asked by Subhuti to reveal the quintessence of his teaching, Buddha held up a flower – the most profound sermon, without uttering a word.
Welcome your soul’s music to awaken
the homunculi, ‘the little life’, the doll Vasalis’s intuition,
buried in your pocket to ask the disregarded question –
sitting in the solitude of your knowledge.
The spirit of the sun and the moon are inviting you
to sing and dance the ring-a-ring-a-rosie –
when you fell at the posie of the cruel one’s bell
and could never trust your intuition again.
stand up, stand up, little one
the numinous will flicker
the grace of the sun
flickering in your hair
in the dark corners
of the spider’s silver lair
your wildflower will grow –
into the most divine, glorious undertow